New Mills Nursery

Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Inspired

Settling into Nursery

Starting nursery school is a big step for a child and their family. All children are different and will settle in their own way. We'll discuss how best to do this in partnership with you. A child who is encouraged to settle happily will gain immensely in confidence and develop a positive attitude to school.

About Me – Tapestry

When a child has been offered a place at New Mills Nursery School, their parent or carer will receive login details to a website called ‘Tapestry’. We use this website to create Learning Journals for the children at the nursery school. We ask all new parents to complete a section on Tapestry called ‘About Me' before their child starts at the nursery school. This will include questions about likes and dislikes, family, health and experiences. It is a helpful tool for the staff to learn more about a child before we meet them.

First Contact Meeting

A few years ago, we introduced First Contact meetings for all new starters to help with the settling in process. These have been a great success and are valued by staff, parents and children. The purpose of this meeting is to give parents or carers the opportunity to discuss with a member of the teaching staff, their child’s development, medical history, strengths and interests, and any queries or concerns they may have. While a parent meets the teacher, their child will meet the early years’ educators (teaching assistants) and have a chance to play in the nursery.

First Contact meetings usually take place on the first day of a new term. The nursery will be closed to our current cohort of children while the meetings take place, so there will be plenty of opportunity to have a look around.

New Parent Induction Evening

We will invite new parents and carers to a Welcome Meeting just before we admit a new intake of children. These take place in the evening and last about one hour. This meeting will give you the opportunity to listen to a presentation from the Headteacher, meet all the staff, learn more about the routines and the curriculum at the nursery school and ask any other questions that you may have.

Settling-In Visits

We will arrange two short settling in dates for new children to visit the nursery school just before they start. The aim of these sessions is to ease the transition into the nursery school and for your child to feel happy and secure in the new environment. The visits are just an hour long in the morning or afternoon. Parents or carers will be able to stay with their child on the first visit. On the second visit, parents or carers are welcome to leave their child for the duration of the visit and collect them at the end of the visit. We try and plan settling-in visits, so children have their first full nursery session the day after their second visit.

Talk to the Staff

Parents and carers are encouraged to talk to staff at any time if they have any questions or concerns.

Other Useful Information for New Parents

Please click on the links below for more information you will need to know in preparation for your child starting at our nursery school.

  1. The Prevent Strategy
  2. Working Together Leaflet
  3. Early Reading - An Introduction to the Book Bag Scheme
  4. Ready for School Leaflet
  5. Keeping Under Fives Safe Online
  6. ParentPay Information
  7. Food Policy
  8. Arrival and Drop-off Policy